Saturday, November 10, 2012

Instantly Done!

Now that the instant book project is done, I'm looking forward to the next project. Initially I didn't know what I wanted to do for my instant book. There’s a possibility that the project was so open ended that I didn't know what I wanted to do. I thought I was going to do my story about the people who are no longer with me, but that would've ended up being really sad. I was going to focus on my brother who is no longer here, but then I decided to do a story that's completely about me. I think about him all of the time, and it’s hard to think that I didn’t know him that well because I was so young.
        In my story, I wanted to emphasize some things in my life. Those few aspects allow the viewers to get a small preview into my life. I wanted to focus primarily on my job, my home life, and one of my favorite restaurants. Nowadays my life is so busy that I don't know what's going on sometimes. That's why I enjoy the small things in life because sometimes I feel that my life is going by me too fast. Just to give you some insight on how fast my life is going by me, if I’m not working on school work, I’m working at Best Buy full time. Some days I just enjoy sitting around the house and doing nothing at all.
       With that being said, I don't know what I want to focus on for my next project. I thought about making a poster that stood against piracy. Piracy is the main thing that's killing the industry nowadays. Companies lost so much money due to internet piracy. I still might do this for my project. I'll think about it over the next few days.